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Download Folder Lock v6.3.1 - With Serial


Folder Lock is a software lock / security with password-protect, we can hide and encrypt documents, folders, files, images, drive in seconds. The files that we protect can not be removed, the rename. on the move, hidden, and can not be at akes

And in this new version, you can protect files what you want on your flash. And later you've files such protection can not be accessed even if you put it on another computer.

Security level of software v6.3.1 Folder Lock is very high, in addition to this software can not uninstall (unless we know the passwords-a), also files yag we protect is included in the OS Windows, DOS, and Safe modes. There are also some other features. so if you want mengamnkan several file or document that you consider important and do not want dilhat by others, then you can use softwares on this one.

Features and Benefits:

256-bit AES encryption on-the-fly (military standard) for file protection.
File Lock, Folder Lock, Drive Lock, File Encryption and Folder Encryption. All in one complete package.
Full Portability. Password protect USB Drives, Lock CDs & DVDs and share password with trusted friends.
Backup or transfer your password protected Lockers anywhere. All data sits in one place for easy backup.
Undeletable Lockers (on the PC where Folder Lock is installed). Deletion requires you to login into Folder Lock.
Shred files automatically when data is encrypted. Choose this option for full data security.
Stealth Mode feature can efficiently hide all the traces of Folder Lock ever been installed on your PC.
Windows History Cleaning. Removes recent history of PC activity automatically when Locker closes.
Hack Attempt Monitoring option can monitor fake password attempts and can Shutdown PC automatically.
Fastest Encryption! Encrypted data is later decrypted in memory, preventing data recovery & slow processing.
Complete Privacy! Whether you're concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, data leaks or virus attacks. You need Folder Lock!

What's New?

This version includes selection of virtual drive letters and setting default Locker path.
Locking now allows brute force protection for even sub-folders and files of locked items.
Many other usability enhancements and bug fixes.

Indonesian Description:
Folder Lock adalah salah satu software pengunci/pengaman dengan password-protect, kita dapat menyembunyikan dan encrypt document, folder, files, image, drive dalam hitungan detik. File-file yang telah kita lindungi tidak dapat dihapus, di rename. di pindah2kan, disembunyikan, dan tidak dapat di akes

Dan pada versi yang baru ini, kamu dapat memproteksi file2 yang kamu inginkan pada flashdisk kamu. Dan nantinya file2 yang sudah kamu proteksi tersebut tidak dapat di akses walaupun kamu memasukkannya pada computer lainnya.

Tingkat keamanan dari software Folder Lock v6.3.1 ini sangat tinggi, selain software ini tidak dapat di uninstall ( kecuali kita tahu passwod-a ), juga file2 yag kita protect termasuk didalam OS windows, DOS dan Safe modes. Juga terdapat beberapa feature lainnya. jadi jika kamu ingin mengamnkan beberapa file atau document yang kamu anggap penting dan tidak ingin dilhat oleh orang lain, maka kamu bisa menggunakan softwares yang satu ini.

Setelah download ekstrak dan duka dengan password sbb:
Password : SIAFACEH

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53 Cookie Filesonic Premium New 29 April 2011


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19 Filesonic + 8 Hotfile Cookie Premium New

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7 Hotfile + 4 Filesonic Cookie Premium New 27 April 2011


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Download IDM 6.05 build 12 - With Patch


IDM 6.05 build 12 supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it’s done.

IDM activation mode for the Full version and not fake serial number:  
  1. Extract the IDM folder 6. With 12 build 2005 Patch.zip to the desktop. (please turn off antivirus software before you use, because the patch is considered a trojan).
  2. Install IDM, if your computer has installed IDM, IDM close the old version you use.
  3. After the install is complete (notification will appear that you are using a fake serial number) close the message.
  4. Right click & p.exe SnDK file, then run as administrator.
  5. click the patch server check.
  6. Done. IDM Now you have full version (no fake serial number).

    Indonesian Description:
    Internet download manager atau IDM telah melakukan update kembali, yakni IDM 6.05 build 12 Full Patch. IDM saya share ini full version, IDM 6.05 build 12 merupakan sebuah pilihan yang sangat tepat untuk kita sebagai Download Accelerator dan Download Manger, Karena dapat meningkatkan kecepatan download ketika anda mengunduh suatu file di internet.

    Cara aktivasi IDM agar menjadi Full version dan tidak fake serial number :

    1. Ekstrak folder IDM 6. 05 build 12 With Patch.zip ke desktop. (sebelumnya harap matikan antivirus yang anda gunakan, karena patch di anggap trojan).
    Install IDM, bila di komputer anda sudah terinstall IDM, close IDM versi lama yang anda gunakan.
    2. Setelah selesai instal (akan muncul notifikasi bahwa anda menggunakan fake serial number) close pesan tersebut.
    3. klik kanan file SnDK&p.exe, kemudian run as administrator.
    4. klik patch server check.
    5. Done. Kini IDM anda sudah full version (no fake serial number).

    Selamat mencoba semoga dapat membantu anda!

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    Download Yahoo Messenger 11 (YM 11) Offline Installer

    What's new in yahoo messenger 11 beta? Here are ruangxp tries to share to you, and for those of you who are interested, you can directly download below on the offline version. This means you have to download and install on your computer.

    Yahoo! has released a version of Yahoo Messenger 11 Beta is now available for download for free. Is the most popular IM chat client and YM version 11 is making it very attractive.

    Apart from being an IM service, and allows you to make phone calls also video calls, with Yahoo Messenger 11 (YM 11) you can play popular games that belong to Zynga, Elex also OMGPOP directly from YM. Those games are:
    • Fishville and from Zynga Mafia Wars - The status soon
    • Balloono, Pool, Draw My Thing of OMGPOP
    • Happy Happy Harvest & Manor of Elex
    In addition to the above features, with YM 11 you can manage all your social life in one place and stay connected with friends groups, mantab not the features offered by Yahoo Messenger 11?

    Now I share this posted information download Yahoo Messenger Offline Installer 11 (YM 11) to you faster download also install it, without the need for manual installation version Yahoo! that take a long time and bandwidth.

    Indonesian Description:
    Apa yang baru dalam yahoo messenger 11 beta? Berikut ini ruangxp mencoba membagikan kepada anda, dan bagi anda yang berminat, anda bisa langsung download di bawah ini pada versi offline. Artinya anda tinggal download kemudian instal di komputer anda.

    Yahoo! telah merilis versi Yahoo Messenger 11 Beta yang sekarang ini tersedia untuk di download gratis. YM merupakan chat client terpopuler dan versi YM 11 ini membuatnya menjadi sangat menarik.

    Selain sebagai sebuah layanan IM, dan memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan panggilan telepon juga video calls, dengan Yahoo Messenger 11 (YM 11) anda dapat memainkan game-game populer yang milik Zynga, Elex juga OMGPOP langsung dari YM. Game-game tersebut ialah:
    • Fishville and from Zynga Mafia Wars - The status soon
    • Balloono, Pool, Draw My Thing of OMGPOP
    • Happy Happy Harvest & Manor of Elex
    Selain fitur-fitur diatas, dengan YM 11 anda dapat mengelola semua kehidupan sosial anda dalam satu tempat dan tetap terhubung dengan grup-grup teman, mantab bukan fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan Yahoo Messenger 11?

    Nah diposting ini saya bagikan informasi download Offline Installer Yahoo Messenger 11 (YM 11) agar anda lebih cepat mendownload juga menginstallnya, tanpa perlu melakukan instalasi manual versi Yahoo! yang butuh waktu lama dan bandwidth.

    atau disini:
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    Windows Activator all version untuk Semua Versi

    Windows activator adalah perangkat lunak yang mampu membuat windows anda menjadi aktif sehingga anda tidak perlu susah - susah mencari serial number nya. Dan perlu anda ketahui windows activator ini sudah banyak mendukung semua windows di antaranya:

    - Windows Vista Ultimate
    - Windows Vista Business
    - Windows Vista Enterprise
    - Windows Vista Home Premium
    - Windows Vista Home Basic
    - Windows Vista Starter
    - Windows Server 2008 Standard
    - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    - Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
    - Windows Server 2003 (All)
    - Windows Home Server
    - Windows 7 Build 7100 or later
    - Windows XP Home
    - Windows XP Professional
    - Windows XP Media Center Edition 2002
    - Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
    - Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
    - Windows Vista Enterprise SP2 x86
    - Windows XP Pro SP3
    - Windows Home Server PP1
    - Windows 7 Build 7100 RC
    - Windows Server 2008 Enteprise SP1

    *All Service Packs or Power Packs are supported
    *All OS in x32(x86)Bit and x64(x64)Bit are supported

    Semoga bisa membantu

    English Description:
    Windows activator is software that can make your windows become active so that you do not need hard - hard to find its serial number. And you should know this already a lot of windows activator supports all windows including:

    - Windows Vista Ultimate
    - Windows Vista Business
    - Windows Vista Enterprise
    - Windows Vista Home Premium
    - Windows Vista Home Basic
    - Windows Vista Starter
    - Windows Server 2008 Standard
    - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    - Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
    - Windows Server 2003 (All)
    - Windows Home Server
    - Windows 7 Build 7100 or later
    - Windows XP Home
    - Windows XP Professional
    - Windows XP Media Center Edition 2002
    - Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
    - Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
    - Windows Vista Enterprise x86 SP2
    - Windows XP Pro SP3
    - Windows Home Server PP1
    - Windows 7 Build 7100 RC
    - Windows Server 2008 SP1 Enteprise

    * All Service Packs or Power Packs are supported
    * All OS in x32 (x86) and x64-Bit (x64) are supported Bit

    Hope can help

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    Digital Media Group Facebook Blaster Pro 9.0.2


    FaceBook Blaster Pro is the internets # 1 Facebook friend adder marketing software tool. Internet marketers are experiencing a gold rush of web 3.0 FREE advertising to highly targeted leads on the fastest growing social network "Facebook". Facebook Blaster Pro can run your marketing efforts on autopilot because automation is key to your success.

    Fully Automatic Benefits:

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    - Auto Mass Friend Messages
    - Auto Mass Friend Wall Poster
    - Auto Mass Friend Poker
    - Auto Mass Amber Alerts
    - Auto Mass Captcha Bypass

    Home Page - http://www.facebookblaster.com/

    Indonesian Description:
    FaceBook Blaster Pro adalah # 1 Internets agar teman penambah pemasaran perangkat lunak. Internet marketer mengalami demam emas web 3.0 iklan GRATIS untuk lead ditargetkan pada jaringan sosial yang berkembang paling cepat "dapat". Facebook Blaster Pro dapat menjalankan upaya pemasaran Anda secara otomatis karena otomatisasi adalah kunci bagi keberhasilan Anda.

    Fully Automatic Manfaat:

    - Permintaan Massa Auto Teman
    - Pesan Massa Auto Teman
    - Auto Massa Teman Wall Poster
    - Auto Massa Teman Poker
    - Auto Amber Alerts Massa
    - Auto Massa Captcha Bypass

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    Sticky Password Pro

    You stole ICQ or broke open mail? Missing money from your electronic purse? So you and must! You simply do not know how to keep your passwords! Passwords are now the most popular, and often the only way to protect personal information. Sticky Password-a unique program that integrates the system remembers and automatically enters the user IDs and passwords in the fields of a site, any program on your computer! Sticky Password oppose keylogers and other spy program to try to capture your passwords. A password-protected powerful encryption algorithms, including AES / Rijndael with 256 to date, most reliable.

    Sticky Password 5.0 – even better at getting you organized and saving you time.

    save time with Sticky Password

    Sticky Password recognizes your password-protected sites and logs you in automatically.

    One-click form filling! Sticky Password fills in tedious online forms quickly and accurately.

    Sticky Password integrates with your browser and applications so your passwords and data are always ready when you need them.

    No more lost or forgotten passwords, Sticky Password gets them right the first time and even logs you in automatically.

    The Installation Wizard imports your passwords automatically from browsers and other password manager programs on your computer.

    Take advantage of the automatic update feature to ensure that you always have the latest build or version of Sticky Password.

    protect yourself against identity theft and online threats

    Sticky Password creates the strongest passwords possible and manages them for you. With Sticky Password’s password generator, you’re just a click away from another strong password.

    The database is encrypted with the strongest encryption algorithms available in the industry, including the military-grade AES algorithm.

    You’ll be protected from phishing scams, because Sticky Password won’t send your login and password to fake websites!

    Multiple levels of protection against key-loggers. Sticky Password’s automatic login and form filling ensure that there is nothing for key loggers to record. And the Virtual Keyboard also ensures that not even someone peaking over your shoulder will know what you’re typing.

    Use the new Secure Memos to store even more of your important data in the secure encrypted database.

    Sticky Password is safer than browsers. When stored in a browser, your passwords can be used by anyone using the computer, and are also more at risk to being stolen by computer viruses than when they are securely stored in Sticky Password’s encrypted database.

    get organized – passwords and website accounts under control

    Sticky Password puts strong passwords under your control. Your Master Password is the only password you’ll need to remember.

    Sticky Password fills in all those online forms for you.

    No toolbars required: located in the title bar, the Caption Button is your access point to Sticky Password functions. No one else has it.

    Each Sticky Password license includes the Sticky Password Portable Version FREE, so you’ll always have your passwords when you need them.

    Sticky Passwords supports secure export and other collaboration options.

    Your password Accounts will be organized the way you want with our enhanced groups.

    Keep your passwords and data in synch! Easy synchronization between your PC and Portable versions.

    Support for the browsers you use. Sticky Password works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and more, so you’re not tied to any single browser.

    Indonesian Description:

    Sticky Password-program yang unik yang mengintegrasikan sistem mengingat dan secara otomatis memasuki ID pengguna dan password dalam bidang sebuah situs, setiap program di komputer Anda! Sticky Password menentang keylogers dan program mata-mata lain untuk mencoba untuk menangkap password anda. Sebuah algoritma enkripsi yang dilindungi sandi yang kuat, termasuk AES / Rijndael dengan 256 sampai saat ini, paling dapat diandalkan.

    Sticky Password 5.0 - bahkan lebih baik mendapatkan Anda terorganisir dan menghemat waktu Anda.

    menghemat waktu dengan Sticky Password

    Sticky Password mengenali situs anda dilindungi dengan password dan log anda secara otomatis.

    Satu kali klik pengisian formulir! Sticky Password mengisi formulir online membosankan cepat dan akurat.

    Sticky Password terintegrasi dengan browser Anda dan aplikasi sehingga password Anda dan data selalu siap ketika Anda membutuhkannya.

    Tidak ada lagi hilang atau lupa password, Password Sticky membuat mereka benar pada kali pertama dan bahkan log anda secara otomatis.

    Instalasi Wizard impor password Anda secara otomatis dari browser dan program manager lain password pada komputer Anda.

    Ambil keuntungan dari fitur update secara otomatis untuk memastikan bahwa Anda selalu memiliki terbaru membangun atau versi Sticky Password.

    melindungi diri terhadap pencurian identitas dan ancaman online

    Sticky Password menciptakan password terkuat mungkin dan mengatur mereka untuk Anda. Dengan password generator Sticky Password, Anda hanya satu klik jauhnya dari yang lain sandi yang kuat.

    Basis data dienkripsi dengan algoritma enkripsi terkuat yang tersedia di industri, termasuk algoritma AES militer-kelas.

    Anda akan dilindungi dari penipuan phishing, karena Sticky Password tidak akan mengirimkan login dan password anda ke situs web palsu!

    Beberapa tingkat perlindungan terhadap key-logger. Sticky Password login otomatis dan pengisian formulir memastikan bahwa tidak ada apa-apa untuk key logger untuk merekam. Dan Keyboard Virtual juga memastikan bahwa tidak bahkan seseorang memuncak melewati bahu Anda akan tahu apa yang Anda mengetik.

    Gunakan Secure baru Memo untuk menyimpan lebih banyak data penting anda dalam database terenkripsi aman.

    Sticky Password lebih aman daripada browser. Ketika disimpan dalam browser, password Anda dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja yang menggunakan komputer, dan juga lebih beresiko untuk dicuri oleh virus komputer daripada ketika mereka aman disimpan dalam database terenkripsi's Sticky Password.

    mendapatkan terorganisir - password dan account website di bawah kontrol

    Sticky Password menempatkan password yang kuat di bawah kendali Anda. Master Password adalah password hanya Anda perlu ingat.

    Sticky Password mengisi semua formulir online untuk Anda.

    Tidak ada toolbar yang dibutuhkan: terletak di bar judul, Tombol Caption adalah jalur akses Anda ke fungsi Sticky Password. Tidak ada orang lain memilikinya.

    Setiap lisensi Sticky Password termasuk Sticky Password Portable Versi GRATIS, jadi Anda akan selalu memiliki password Anda ketika Anda membutuhkannya.

    Password Sticky mendukung ekspor aman dan pilihan kolaborasi lainnya.

    Password Anda Account akan diselenggarakan dengan cara yang Anda inginkan dengan kelompok ditingkatkan kami.

    Menjaga password Anda dan data selaras! Mudah sinkronisasi antara PC dan versi Portable.

    Dukungan untuk browser yang anda gunakan. Sticky Password bekerja dengan Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome dan banyak lagi, sehingga Anda tidak terikat pada satu browser.

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    KuTools for Excel 1.10


    Working with Microsoft Excel, you will suffer from repetitive operations, especially when dealing with charts, tables, reports and so on. If you are tired of searching lots of blank sheets and cells, or frustrated by renaming lots of workbooks one by one, KuTools for Excel is what you need right now. Besides the commonly used functions that Microsoft Excel have, it enhances and adds more advanced functions for easily operating. For example, you can merge table and cells, remove blank cells, and batch operations with one click in Microsoft Excel. The add-ins collection, KuTools for Excel, is undoubtly an incredible handy Excel add-in to save your time and effort.

    Indonesian Description:
    Bekerja dengan Microsoft Excel, Anda akan menderita dari operasi berulang-ulang, terutama ketika berhadapan dengan grafik, tabel, laporan dan sebagainya. Jika Anda lelah mencari banyak lembar kosong dan sel-sel, atau frustrasi dengan mengganti nama banyak workbook satu per satu, KuTools untuk Excel adalah apa yang Anda butuhkan sekarang. Selain fungsi umum digunakan bahwa Microsoft Excel miliki, meningkatkan dan menambahkan fungsi yang lebih maju untuk mudah operasi. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat menggabungkan tabel dan sel, membuang sel-sel kosong, dan operasi batch dengan satu klik dalam Microsoft Excel. Koleksi add-in, KuTools untuk Excel, adalah sebuah undoubtly luar biasa berguna Excel add-in untuk menghemat waktu Anda dan usaha.

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    WinZip Pro v15.5.9468 Incl. Keygen-Lz0


    WinZip adalah utilitas Zip yang paling populer di dunia untuk kompresi file, enkripsi, packaging, dan backup data. Sekarang mendukung Windows 7, WinZip 14 membuatnya mudah untuk zip dan unzip file untuk transfer file cepat, efisien, dan aman, transmisi email, dan penyimpanan data. Compress file dengan WinZip 14 untuk menghemat ruang dan mengurangi waktu transmisi. Gunakan untuk membuka Zip, Zipx, RAR, 7z, bz2, CAB, JAR, IMG, dan jenis file terkompresi. Bundle file terkait bersama-sama. Secure data rahasia dan secara otomatis kembali ke atas.

    WinZip is the worlds most popular Zip utility for file compression, encryption, packaging, and data backup. Now supporting Windows 7, WinZip 14 makes it easy to zip and unzip files for quick, efficient, and secure file transfer, email transmission, and data storage. Compress files with WinZip 14 to save space and reduce transmission times. Use it to open Zip, Zipx, RAR, 7Z, BZ2, CAB, JAR, IMG, and other compressed file types. Bundle related files together. Secure confidential data and automatically back it up.

    Reduce file size
    Secure sensitive data
    Bundle files together
    Prevent data loss
    Release Name: WinZip.Pro.v15.5.9468.Incl.Keygen-Lz0
    Size: 15.93 MB

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    EximiousSoft Logo Designer v2.58 Full


    EximiousSoft Designer Logo adalah sebuah utilitas yang kecil tapi kuat dirancang untuk membantu Anda membuat logo yang sempurna. Dengan itu, Anda dapat membuat grafik jenis apa pun untuk website Anda. Hal ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menyesuaikan grafis bisnis yang berkualitas tinggi yang tampak profesional seperti seperti kartu nama, kop surat, poster dan alat tulis bisnis lainnya dll ... EximiousSoft Designer dengan menyediakan 50 + pra-desain template. Hanya memilih layout logo yang Anda suka dari koleksi pra-membangun template, edit elemen logo, kemudian tambahkan nama bisnis Anda dan slogan. Dan akhirnya, menerapkan beberapa styling. Itu adalah logo mengesankan Anda.

    EximiousSoft Logo Designer is the most powerful and easy to use software for logo maker, logo creation. With which, you can create any type graphics for your websites. It provides fully vector-based drawing tools with many pre-drawn library objects.

    Just click the pre-defined shapes from the toolbar and which are placed on your design. Drawing couldn't be easier!

    EximiousSoft Logo Designer can also be used to customize high quality professional-looking business graphics such as such as business cards, letterheads, posters and other business stationery etc.. You can get access to a huge bank of well designed symbols to which you can apply a range of special gradients and effects.

    All objects and templates in this logo maker caters to a variety of businesses in most any industry, such as Technology, Finances, Healthcare, General Business and Retail, Education and Training, Travel and Tourism, Organizations, Sports and Fitness, Food and Beverage etc.. You can export logos to image files or print them from your own printer with high resolution.


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    PC Fix 2011 v3.03-LAXiTY

    Old software fragments still living on your computer’s registry cause conflicts and errors on your PC. Our Enhanced Error Detection Scan is a powerful tool that rapidly locates these errors and removes them from Windows. PC Fix automatically detects and repairs errors in your internet browser (like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). ActiveX and other common errors are taken care of, so you can just surf the internet without suffering any freezes or crashes. Defragmentation technology in PC Fix optimizes your Windows registry and restores your computer’s original performance. With a faster PC, you will just become more productive at work and in your spare time!

    Release Name: PC.Fix.2011.v3.03-LAXiTY
    Size: 2.32MB

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    Yahoo Messenger errors and correct the text does not appear


    Ada keuntungannya jika anda menggunakan Yahoo Messenger 11, selain anda bisa komunikasi dengan teman-teman di Yahoo maka anda juga bisa mengakses facebook milik anda dalam satu aplikasi yaitu YM 11 seperti yang saya gunakan sekarang.
    Tapi, saya berkali-kali mengalami masalah dengan YM saya, (pernah juga terjadi pada YM 10 milik saya) saat log in terasa berat dan saat chat tulisan saya maupun tulisan teman saya tidak tampil di YM. Berbagai cara telah saya lakukan tapi selalu gagal untuk memulihkannya. Saran teman dekat saya, instal ulang saja komputernya. Waduh... itu pekerjaan yang sangat tidak mengenakan bagi saya. Karena saya harus kembali memasukan software-software penting kedalam komputer saya.

    Setelah saya coba nanya sana sini akhirnya saya menemukan jurus jitunya. Anda tidak perlu menginstal ulang komputer anda. Dan anda cukup mengikuti petunjuknya.  Untuk itu saya akan sedikit membagikan pengalaman saya tersebut kepada anda pengunjung blog ini, terutama bagi anda yang mengalami nasib sama dengan saya.

    Berikut ini cara-caranya:
    Kita dapat mengatasinya dengan mengetikkan script berikut di run command, (Sign Out dulu dari yahoo messenger Anda sebelum mengetikkan script berikut).
    regsvr32 wshom.ocx 
    regsvr32 jscript.dll
    regsvr32 urlmon.dll
    regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll
    Jika Anda bingung karena belum pernah menggunakan run command sebelumnya, berikut petunjuk langkah² yang lebih detailnya:
    1. Klik Start Menu
    2. Klik Run
    3. Ketikkan regsvr32 wshom.ocx
    4. Tekan Enter
    5. Ketikkan regsvr32 jscript.dll
    6. Tekan Enter
    7. Ketikkan regsvr32 urlmon.dll
    8. Tekan Enter
    9. Ketikkan regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll
    10. Tekan Enter
    Silakan Sign In kembali ke Yahoo Messenger Anda. Seharusnya teks sudah bisa terlihat kembali :D
    Selain cara diatas ada metode lain dengan cara melakukan pengecekan pada setting browser Internet Explorer, yaitu dengan cara:
    1. Buka/klik Internet Explorer
    2. Klik menu “Tools” pada toolbar Internet Explorer kemudian pilih “Internet Options”
    3. Klik tab “Security”
    4. Klik icon internet bergambar globe bola dunia (secara default sudah terpilih)
    5. Klik tombol “Custom Level” dibawah
    6. Geser/scroll ke bawah, cari “Scripting”
    7. Enable semuanya ke-tiga²-nya (Active scripting, Allow paste operations via script, Scripting of Java applets)
    8. Klik tombol “OK” di bawah.
    9. Selesai
    10. Sign In ke Yahoo Messenger
    Cara lain yang saya tahu bisa berhasil adalah dengan install ulang IE (Internet Explorer) atau meng-upgrade-nya ke versi terbaru.
    Atau coba cara ini, dengan melakukan editing pada registry:
    1. Buka Regedit (Klik: Start menu -> pilih: Run.. –> ketik: regedit -> tekan: Enter)
    2. Cari/find: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones
    3. Hapus folder ‘kotak’ sedangkan folder 01234 dibiarkan saja (seperti pada gambar di bawah).

    1. Tutup Regedit.
    2. Restart komputer
    Demikian sedikit tips dari saya semoga bisa membantu!

    english manual :

    There are advantages if you use Yahoo Messenger 11, but you can communicate with friends on Yahoo then you can access your facebook owned in a single application of YM 11 like I use now.
    But, I repeatedly encountered a problem with my YM, (once also occurred on my property YM 10) when logging in was heavy and when my writing and written chat my friend does not appear in the YM. Various means have I done but always failed to recover it. Suggestions of my closest friends, just reinstall the computer. Oops ... It was not wearing a job for me. Because I have to re-enter the critical software into my computer.
    After I try to ask here and there I finally found a moment jitunya. You do not need to reinstall your computer. And you simply follow the instructions. For that I will share some of my experiences to your visitors this blog, especially for those of you who suffered the same fate with me.
    Following ways:
    We can overcome them by typing the following script in the run command, (sign out from yahoo messenger first before you type the following script).

    regsvr32 wshom.ocx

    regsvr32 jscript.dll

    regsvr32 urlmon.dll

    regsvr32 c: \ Windows \ System32 \ vbscript.dll
    If you are confused because they have not ever used the run the previous command, following the instructions step ² more details:

    Click the Start Menu
    Click Run
    Type regsvr32 wshom.ocx
    Press Enter
    Type regsvr32 jscript.dll
    Press Enter
    Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll
    Press Enter
    Type regsvr32 c: \ Windows \ System32 \ vbscript.dll
    Press Enter
    Please Sign In back to Yahoo Messenger. Text should be able to look back: D
    Besides the above there are other methods by way of checking on the Internet Explorer browser settings, in particular by:

    Open / click Internet Explorer
    Click the "Tools" menu in the toolbar of Internet Explorer then choose "Internet Options"
    Click the "Security" tab
    Click the Internet icon image globe globes (already selected by default)
    Click the "Custom Level" under
    Scroll / scroll down, find "Scripting"
    Enable them to his three ² (Active scripting, Allow paste operations via script, Scripting of Java applets)
    Click the "OK" below.
    Sign In to Yahoo Messenger
    Another way that I know can be successful is to re-install IE (Internet Explorer) or upgrade it to latest version.
    Or try this way, by editing the registry:

    1. Open Regedit (Click: Start menu -> select: .. Run -> type: regedit -> press: Enter)
    2. Search / find: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings \ Zones
    3. Delete the folder 'box', while 01,234 left alone folder (see the instructions in the picture)
    Close Regedit.
    Restart your computer
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    RAM Saver Pro 11.4 ML


    RAM Saver Pro adalah software yang mudah digunakan untuk menjaga komputer Anda agar berjalan lebih cepat. Ini meningkatkan kinerja sistem operasi dengan membuat lebih banyak memori yang tersedia untuk aplikasi Anda. Dengan menggunakan trik optimasi akan membantu aplikasi favorit Anda dan permainan akan berjalan lebih cepat dan lebih efisien - bahkan pada komputer lama. "RAM Saver Pro" Program terdiri dari dua bagian dasar: System Tray - modul dan Control Panel.

    RAM Saver Pro is an easy-to-use RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. It increases the operation system performance by making more memory available for your applications. Using these optimization tricks will help your favorite applications and games will run faster and more efficiently - even on old computers. "RAM Saver Pro" program consists of two basic parts: System Tray - module and Control Panel.

    Main program features:
    • System Tray monitor of RAM optimizer
    • Desktop RAM monitor
    • specialized Control Panel
    • professional memory monitoring
    • flexible memory optimization with complete statistics output
    • RAM benchmark test
    • monitoring and control over the processes which take place in the memory
    • possibility to create "boosted shortcuts"
    • common and advanced RAM optimizer options
    • automatic and intelligent RAM optimization
    • fast run of tools
    • forced cleaning of Clipboard
    • possibility to close all programs for full memory release by one click
    • control over Windows uptime
    • suppressing and fast running of screen saver
    • check the presence of disk in CD-ROM drive in the moment of computer shut down
    • hide all desktop icons
    • forced shut down and restart of computer

    Home Page - http://www.wintools.net/

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    AIO Rosetta Stone Master 26 in 1

    Rosetta Stone adalah software untuk belajar bahasa yang ada di dunia ini. Software ini telah di pakai oleh jutaan orang di 150 negara serta banyak juga di pakai di instansi-instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Bahkan  termasuk perusahaan Deutsche Telekom, IBM, dan Lockheed Martin serta ribuan sekolah dan universitas di seluruh dunia juga memakai software ini.

    Dengan Rosetta Stone, belajar bahasa baru lebih mudah dan tidak akan sesulit seperti apa yang pernah Anda bayangkan. Selamat mencoba! salam ruangxp!!!

    Rosetta Stone is the #1 language-learning software in the world, used successfully by millions of people in 150 countries. It?s been adopted by government agencies and corporations?including Deutsche Telekom, IBM,and Lockheed Martin?and thousands of schools and universities around the world. With Rosetta Stone, learning a new language is easier than you ever imagined.
    * Immerses you completely in your new language so you?ll learn quickly and retain what you learn
    * Provides constant feedback so you?ll feel confident in your ability to speak, listen, write, and read your new language accurately
    * Guides you logically through a carefully structured curriculum so you?ll learn vocabulary and grammar effortlessly without memorization
    * Enables you to learn a new language on your own schedule, whenever it's convenient, on CD-ROM or online

    What Languages are included?

    Chinese (Mandarin)
    Portuguese (BR)
    Spanish (Latin America)
    English (US)
    English (UK)
    Spanish (Spain)
    What Languages are not included?
    Farsi (Persian), Pashto, Swahili, and Tagalog.

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    Wedding Album Maker Gold 3.20


    Wedding Album Maker adalah perangkat lunak yang mudah digunakan yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat album foto pernikahan menakjubkan dengan latar belakang musik, Pan & Zoom dan efek transisi. Dengan Wedding Album Maker, Anda dapat dengan cepat dan mudah menghasilkan foto slideshow pernikahan terlihat profesional pada kepingan disc DVD dan berbagi kisah cinta serta kegembiraan hari pernikahan Anda di rumah untuk di lihat kembali pada TV layar lebar dengan pemutar DVD standar dalam kenyamanan ruang tamu Anda. Sungguh indah rasanya

    Wedding Album Maker is an easy-to-use software which allows you to create an amazing wedding photo album with background music, Pan&Zoom and transition effects. With Wedding Album Maker, you can quickly and easily produce professional-looking wedding photo slideshow DVD disc and share your love story and excitement of your wedding day on home big screen TV with standard DVD player in the comfort of your living room.

    Looking for slideshow software to share your lovely moments with family and friends? If so, you definitely need Wedding Album Maker. Sharing and viewing wedding photos in a slide show software format with friends and family has never been easier! With Wedding Album Maker, you can use your CD or DVD burner to make high quality photo slide show DVD disc in less than half an hour by yourself.

    Features :

    Create amazing DVD, VCD slideshows from your wedding photos, music – and burn them directly to a DVD or CD disc. Your family and friends can play your wedding slideshow discs on their TV with a DVD player, or on their computer. With Wedding Album Maker, youll create personalized discs that are as easy to use as an ordinary DVD. With more than 260 transition effects, you can easily share your love story and excitement of your wedding day with your friends and family.

    With a few minutes of work, youll have an eye-catching slide show that will run on nearly any DVD players. Wedding Album Maker supports over 260 amazing transition effects with Pan&Zoom effect. It also supports Art-clips for each photo slide which adds amazing special effects for your wedding slideshow.

    Amazing easy-to-use software helps you make wedding photo album and make photo video DVD disc playable on TV with DVD player.

    If you are like most people these days, youve got thousands of digital photos stored on your PC and Flash cards. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily create a cool slide show and view it on your TV with family and friends.

    Using this simple tool you can create multiple photo album collections, add transitions between your photos, add background music, and burn CD or DVD photo video discs playable on TV.

    Its one of the most special days in your life. But the time leading up to it can be one of the most stressful. Now, you can enjoy your wedding photos on TV in your living room with your friends, family. You can share your memorable moments by sending your wedding DVD discs to your friends, family who cannot attend your wedding.


    Wedding Album Maker is a perfect tool for creating great looking wedding DVDs from your wedding photo collection. Emphasizing a variety of slideshow design features and a host of imaginative themes, Wedding Album Maker goes further by adding image modification and enhancement tools to its software package. All these, combined with an already comprehensive burning utility, give you a faster, easier way to build and enjoy your wedding photo album creations.
    Key features of Wedding Album Maker include:

    No Experience Necessary
    Wedding Album Maker is simply the easiest to use slideshow software. It is designed to be easy enough for anyone in the family to use. You can create dynamic wedding slideshows with just clicks: Add your photos, design your movie menu, and burn your disc. You will find that you can perform all tasks in the most natural and intuitive way.

    All-in-One Wedding Photo Album Maker
    Theres no need for other CD or DVD burning software. Wedding Album Maker can do all from the beginning to the end to make a DVD slideshow. And, the whole steps are simple, fast and robust: the Burn-Proof ™ technique which makes the DVD burning procedure more robust than ever!

    Lovely Music, Transition Effects
    Burn your slideshow with DVD motion menus and transition effects to DVD and watch it on TV using your DVD player. The slideshow editor includes all the tools you need to create eye-catching photo presentations. Wedding Album Maker enables you to add your favorite wedding music for your wedding slide show. We provide some of the most visually elegant effects available in the market. You can even customize many of these effects, giving you a virtually infinite selection.

    Highest Resolution Format On TV
    Wedding Album Maker optimizes your digital photo and uses the Highest Resolution format which is supported by most DVD players. This technique makes photo look great on TV.

    Professional Hollywood-style DVD Menu Templates
    Wedding Album Maker features a library of professionally designed menu backgrounds and frames. Ranging from playful to professional, you’re sure to find a background for any occasion.

    Decorate Wedding Photos with Text and Arc Clips
    The built-in What You See is What You Get photo editor makes it easy to add your own comments for your wedding photos. The position, font, color and shadow of the text are immediately shown with the photo. It also supports Art-clips for each photo slide which adds amazing special effects for your wedding slideshow.

    Download links :
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    PC Tools Spyware Doctor 2011 Final Multilanguage

    PC Tools Spyware Doctor 2011 Final Multilanguage | 64.4 MB
    Ruangxp info:
    Spyware Doctor menyediakan tiga-cara perlindungan spyware untuk PC Anda melalui ancaman real-time memblokir, sistem canggih pemindaian dan imunisasi terhadap infeksi dikenal browser. Spyware Doctor adalah memenangkan penghargaan multi spyware removal utility yang mendeteksi, menghapus dan melindungi PC Anda dari ribuan potensi spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots dan ancaman pelacakan. Melindungi privasi Anda dan kebiasaan komputasi dari mencongkel mata dan penyusup virtual dengan bantuan Spyware Doctor.
    Spyware Doctor - sebuah program untuk melindungi PC Anda dari infiltrasi spyware dan adware, trojans, keyloggers, software yang tidak diinginkan, phishing, jendela pop-up iklan, situs berbahaya, rootkit, dll Spyware Doctor memantau aktivitas dalam browser, karya ICQ dan program yang Anda gunakan Internet. Mendeteksi, menghapus dan blok semua jenis ancaman dari spyware dan adware. Dalam hal perangkat lunak berbahaya dalam sistem Spyware Doctor akan dengan mudah menyingkirkan mereka. Memiliki antarmuka yang ramah dan mudah digunakan.
    Mendeteksi, menghapus dan semua blok jenis spyware.
    Apakah Anda tahu bahwa program banyak diuji terhadap aplikasi Spyware Doctor, terdeteksi hanya sebagian kecil dari Spyware dan benar-benar dihapus * jumlah yang lebih kecil Selain itu, sebagian dari mereka gagal dalam tempat Terbaik pertama dari spyware komputer secara real time.

    Spyware Doctor provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections. Spyware Doctor is a multi-award winning spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats. Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers with the help of Spyware Doctor.
    Spyware Doctor - a program to protect your PC from spyware infiltration and adware, trojans, keyloggers, unwanted software, phishing, pop-up advertising windows, malicious sites, rootkits, etc. Spyware Doctor monitors the activity in the browser, the work of ICQ and other programs that you use the Internet. Detects, removes and blocks all types of threats from spyware and adware. In the case of malicious software in the system of Spyware Doctor will easily get rid of them. It has a friendly interface and easy to use.
    Detects, removes and blocks all types of spyware.
    Did you know that numerous programs tested against the application Spyware Doctor, detected only small fraction of Spyware and completely removed an even smaller amount* In addition, most of them failed in the first place Best of the computer spyware in real time.
    Spyware Doctor has the most advanced update feature that continually improves its ability to combat spyware on a daily basis. As Spyware gets more complex to avoid detection AntiSpyware programs, Spyware Doctor responds with new technology to stay one step ahead.
    Easy to use.
    Enhanced Spyware Doctor specially designed for ordinary users, rather than professional experts. This is one reason why she was awarded the "People's Choice Award in 2005, 2006 and 2007. It is automatically configured with a minimum number of requests to ensure optimal protection. That is, immediately after the installation and ongoing protection.
    Enhanced Spyware Doctor's OnGuard only alerts users about the fact of detection of spyware. And this is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add the site to your favorites or change your PC settings. Such messages can be confusing and lead to undesirable consequences, such as inoperable programs, lost favorites or run-in spyware. We've done the research, and this is no longer necessary.
    "A comprehensive protection from malicious programs
    "Real-time protection in real time
    "Advanced Detection and Removal Technology
    Zero-Day Protection - protection against new and unknown threats before their discovery
    "An improved method for detecting rootkits sets
    "Background mode, low CPU
    "Automatic updates using the technology of Smart Update
    New features and enhancements:
    "Better protection, better scanner, less consumption of system resources
    "Password protection to prevent unauthorized access
    "No messages in full screen mode
    "Increased usability

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